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Child-Maltreatment-Research-L (CMRL) List Serve

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Welcome to the archive of past Child-Maltreatment-Research-L (CMRL) list serve messages (11,000+). The table below contains all past CMRL messages (text only, no attachments) from Nov. 20, 1996 - June 10, 2024 and is updated every two months.

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Message ID: 11376
Date: 2024-05-23

Author:Pedro Hernandez

Subject:Re: Research on fallacy of "good touch"

I hope this helps! 1. Nickerson, A. B., Tulledge, J., Manges, M., Kesselring, S., Parks, T., Livingston, J. A., & Dudley, M. (2019). Randomized controlled trial of the Child Protection Unit: Grade and gender as moderators of CSA prevention concepts in elementary students. Child Abuse & Neglect, 96, 104101. [Click the DOI link.] 2. Wurtele, S. K., & Kenny, M. C. (2016). Technology-related sexual solicitation of adolescents: A review of prevention efforts. Child Abuse & Neglect, 54, 99-112. [I attached a copy.] 3. (This one is a little old.) De Young, M. (1988). The good touch/bad touch dilemma. Child Welfare, 60-68. On Wed, May 22, 2024, 1:37 PM Melissa Bright > wrote: Hi All - I am working on a piece and need to provide evidence for why it is important to move away from phrases like “good” and “bad” touch (because abuse may feel physically good) for the prevention of child sexual abuse. Anyone have an empirical citation for this? Melissa Bright, PhD Founder and Executive Director Center for Violence Prevention Research | stay connected | support our work

I hope this helps! 1. Nickerson, A. B., Tulledge, J., Manges, M., Kesselring, S., Parks, T., Livingston, J. A., & Dudley, M. (2019). Randomized controlled trial of the Child Protection Unit: Grade and gender as moderators of CSA prevention concepts in elementary students. Child Abuse & Neglect, 96, 104101. [Click the DOI link.] 2. Wurtele, S. K., & Kenny, M. C. (2016). Technology-related sexual solicitation of adolescents: A review of prevention efforts. Child Abuse & Neglect, 54, 99-112. [I attached a copy.] 3. (This one is a little old.) De Young, M. (1988). The good touch/bad touch dilemma. Child Welfare, 60-68. On Wed, May 22, 2024, 1:37 PM Melissa Bright > wrote: Hi All - I am working on a piece and need to provide evidence for why it is important to move away from phrases like “good” and “bad” touch (because abuse may feel physically good) for the prevention of child sexual abuse. Anyone have an empirical citation for this? Melissa Bright, PhD Founder and Executive Director Center for Violence Prevention Research | stay connected | support our work