Child-Maltreatment-Research-L (CMRL) List Serve
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Welcome to the archive of past Child-Maltreatment-Research-L (CMRL) list serve messages (11,000+). The table below contains all past CMRL messages (text only, no attachments) from Nov. 20, 1996 - February 6, 2025 and is updated every two months.
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Message ID: 11417
Date: 2024-10-04
Author:Pragathi Tummala
Subject:Re: Postdoctoral Fellowship - Mt. Hope Family Center
Dear all, Thanks for this opportunity shared— we will cross post any jobs, fellowships and grants to our global audience to help amplify their reach. If you want to share and have us post any of the materials below, we have this option now. Ispcan has created on our website some new sections: -job board -member marketplace (paid goods or services) -article insights (anyone can submit a summary of a great article) -Knowledge Hub (anyone can submit a key resource to house in our library) Warmly, Pragathi Pragathi Tummala CEO | Building public health approaches to child protection. For every child. #riseuptoendchildabuse ________________________________ From: on behalf of Chad Shenk
Sent: Wednesday, October 2, 2024 12:32:24 PM
Subject: Postdoctoral Fellowship - Mt. Hope Family Center
Hi everyone,
Please see attached for a full-time postdoctoral fellowship position within the Mt. Hope Family Center at the University of Rochester. Housed within the Department of Psychology , Mt. Hope is an NIH-designated P50 Center of Excellence in Child Maltreatment that has been serving children and families affected by adversity since 1979. Learn more about Mt. Hope, its current research and service missions, and affiliated faculty here .
This one-year fellowship position is a great opportunity to be a part of a scientific team conducting a randomized trial evaluating the delivery of behavioral interventions for children and families affected by maltreatment and other traumas. Salary and benefits are competitive and there is the opportunity to renew for a second year of fellowship. Supervised postdoctoral hours needed for licensure as a behavioral healthcare professional are also available.
Please feel free to email me directly should you have any questions or need more information about the position.
Chad Shenk, PhD, ABPP
Department of Psychology
University of Rochester
429 Meliora Hall
Rochester, NY 14627
Dear all, Thanks for this opportunity shared— we will cross post any jobs, fellowships and grants to our global audience to help amplify their reach. If you want to share and have us post any of the materials below, we have this option now. Ispcan has created on our website some new sections: -job board -member marketplace (paid goods or services) -article insights (anyone can submit a summary of a great article) -Knowledge Hub (anyone can submit a key resource to house in our library) Warmly, Pragathi Pragathi Tummala CEO | Building public health approaches to child protection. For every child. #riseuptoendchildabuse ________________________________ From: on behalf of Chad Shenk
Sent: Wednesday, October 2, 2024 12:32:24 PM
Subject: Postdoctoral Fellowship - Mt. Hope Family Center
Hi everyone,
Please see attached for a full-time postdoctoral fellowship position within the Mt. Hope Family Center at the University of Rochester. Housed within the Department of Psychology , Mt. Hope is an NIH-designated P50 Center of Excellence in Child Maltreatment that has been serving children and families affected by adversity since 1979. Learn more about Mt. Hope, its current research and service missions, and affiliated faculty here .
This one-year fellowship position is a great opportunity to be a part of a scientific team conducting a randomized trial evaluating the delivery of behavioral interventions for children and families affected by maltreatment and other traumas. Salary and benefits are competitive and there is the opportunity to renew for a second year of fellowship. Supervised postdoctoral hours needed for licensure as a behavioral healthcare professional are also available.
Please feel free to email me directly should you have any questions or need more information about the position.
Chad Shenk, PhD, ABPP
Department of Psychology
University of Rochester
429 Meliora Hall
Rochester, NY 14627
Author:Pragathi Tummala
Subject:Re: Postdoctoral Fellowship - Mt. Hope Family Center
Dear all, Thanks for this opportunity shared— we will cross post any jobs, fellowships and grants to our global audience to help amplify their reach. If you want to share and have us post any of the materials below, we have this option now. Ispcan has created on our website some new sections: -job board -member marketplace (paid goods or services) -article insights (anyone can submit a summary of a great article) -Knowledge Hub (anyone can submit a key resource to house in our library) Warmly, Pragathi Pragathi Tummala CEO | Building public health approaches to child protection. For every child. #riseuptoendchildabuse ________________________________ From:
Dear all, Thanks for this opportunity shared— we will cross post any jobs, fellowships and grants to our global audience to help amplify their reach. If you want to share and have us post any of the materials below, we have this option now. Ispcan has created on our website some new sections: -job board -member marketplace (paid goods or services) -article insights (anyone can submit a summary of a great article) -Knowledge Hub (anyone can submit a key resource to house in our library) Warmly, Pragathi Pragathi Tummala CEO | Building public health approaches to child protection. For every child. #riseuptoendchildabuse ________________________________ From: