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Child-Maltreatment-Research-L (CMRL) List Serve

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Welcome to the archive of past Child-Maltreatment-Research-L (CMRL) list serve messages (11,000+). The table below contains all past CMRL messages (text only, no attachments) from Nov. 20, 1996 - February 6, 2025 and is updated every two months.

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Message ID: 11421
Date: 2024-11-08

Author:Julia Kobulsky

Subject:Research Coordinator/Postdoctoral Fellow in Child Maltreatment Prevention

The Child Maltreatment Prevention Lab at Temple University is recruiting a highly motivated individual to support with the research and administration of two NIH-funded projects in the areas of child sexual abuse recurrence prevention, and adolescent neglect. The position is customizable as a training opportunity for a post-doctoral scholar or as a research coordinator position (for which a doctoral degree is helpful but not required). The position is hybrid but may be adapted to be fully remote. More information about the research coordinator position is available here Research Coordinator in Child Maltreatment Prevention . More information about the postdoctoral position is Postdoctoral Fellow in Child Maltreatment Prevention Julia M. Kobulsky Assistant Professor School of Social Work Temple University College of Public Health

The Child Maltreatment Prevention Lab at Temple University is recruiting a highly motivated individual to support with the research and administration of two NIH-funded projects in the areas of child sexual abuse recurrence prevention, and adolescent neglect. The position is customizable as a training opportunity for a post-doctoral scholar or as a research coordinator position (for which a doctoral degree is helpful but not required). The position is hybrid but may be adapted to be fully remote. More information about the research coordinator position is available here Research Coordinator in Child Maltreatment Prevention . More information about the postdoctoral position is Postdoctoral Fellow in Child Maltreatment Prevention Julia M. Kobulsky Assistant Professor School of Social Work Temple University College of Public Health