Child-Maltreatment-Research-L (CMRL) List Serve
Browse All Past CMRL Messages
Welcome to the archive of past Child-Maltreatment-Research-L (CMRL) list serve messages (11,000+). The table below contains all past CMRL messages (text only, no attachments) from Nov. 20, 1996 - February 6, 2025 and is updated every two months.
Instructions: Postings are listed for browsing with the newest messages first. Click on the linked ID number to open a message.
Message ID: 11438
Date: 2025-02-01
Author:Andres Arroyo
Subject:Child Maltreatment Research List (CMRL) List Information and Support
Child Maltreatment Research List (CMRL) Information
As a service to Child Maltreatment Research List (CMRL) members, the National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect (NDACAN) posts this message with information about the purpose of the CMRL and resources for list-related support.
NDACAN maintains the CMRL to encourage scholarly discussion among researchers in the field of child abuse and neglect. Appropriate topics for discussion include all areas of child abuse and neglect research (e.g., epidemiology, etiology, prevention, consequences, intervention, and treatment) and the full range of relevant research issues (e.g., measurement, instrumentation, statistical analysis, ethics). The list is not open to discussions of program-related or clinical issues except as they relate to evaluation research.
The NDACAN Web site contains complete information for the Child Maltreatment Research List .
CMRL Resources on the NDACAN Web site:
* CMRL Posting Instructions and Guidelines
* Information on how NDACAN moderates CMRL postings
* Policies regarding attachments and out-of-office replies
* How to Join or Leave the CMRL
* the on-line database of all past postings to the CMRL from 1996 to the present
A common question is "How do I change my email address on the CMRL list?"
Answer: There is not a 'change address' function, so you need to remove/unsubscribe your existing email address, and then rejoin/subscribe to the list with your replacement address.
CMRL Support
Please visit the CMRL section of the NDACAN website for answers to many common questions. If you require additional assistance, please e-mail the Archive at
In addition, Cornell University IT services publishes information about e-list member basic tasks and options.
National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect (NDACAN)
Cornell University / Duke University
Telephone: 607-255-7799
Web site:
Twitter: @NDACAN_CU
Unsubscribe from the Child Maltreatment Research List
Child Maltreatment Research List (CMRL) Information
As a service to Child Maltreatment Research List (CMRL) members, the National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect (NDACAN) posts this message with information about the purpose of the CMRL and resources for list-related support.
NDACAN maintains the CMRL to encourage scholarly discussion among researchers in the field of child abuse and neglect. Appropriate topics for discussion include all areas of child abuse and neglect research (e.g., epidemiology, etiology, prevention, consequences, intervention, and treatment) and the full range of relevant research issues (e.g., measurement, instrumentation, statistical analysis, ethics). The list is not open to discussions of program-related or clinical issues except as they relate to evaluation research.
The NDACAN Web site contains complete information for the Child Maltreatment Research List .
CMRL Resources on the NDACAN Web site:
* CMRL Posting Instructions and Guidelines
* Information on how NDACAN moderates CMRL postings
* Policies regarding attachments and out-of-office replies
* How to Join or Leave the CMRL
* the on-line database of all past postings to the CMRL from 1996 to the present
A common question is "How do I change my email address on the CMRL list?"
Answer: There is not a 'change address' function, so you need to remove/unsubscribe your existing email address, and then rejoin/subscribe to the list with your replacement address.
CMRL Support
Please visit the CMRL section of the NDACAN website for answers to many common questions. If you require additional assistance, please e-mail the Archive at
In addition, Cornell University IT services publishes information about e-list member basic tasks and options.
National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect (NDACAN)
Cornell University / Duke University
Telephone: 607-255-7799
Web site:
Twitter: NDACAN_CU
Unsubscribe from the Child Maltreatment Research List
Author:Andres Arroyo
Subject:Child Maltreatment Research List (CMRL) List Information and Support