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NDACAN Measure Details

Preschool Symptom Self-Report: PREA + PREB


Designed to obtain self-reports of depressive symptoms from preschool-aged children. The PRESS is a pictorial self-report instrument, consisting of 25 items, each comprised of two illustrations on a page. One drawing illustrates a problem behavior or a symptom; the other illustrates the absence of that problem or symptom. The child respondent is asked to indicate which picture is most like him or her. Sample items include feeling sad; feeling bad about oneself; thinking one's parents don’t love him/her.


Martini, D. R., Strayhorn, J. M., & Puig-Antich, J. (1990). A symptom self-report measure for preschool children. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 29(4), 594-600. doi: